1) Name : Title
The Association shall be called as ALL INDIA CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION (HQ) Pune. Rgistered Office at Block 4, 1785, Sadashiv Peth, Phadke Sankul, Near Pune Vidyarthi Griha, Pune 411030.
2) Jurisdiction
The Association shall have jurisdiction All over India.
3) Aims & Objects
a) Aims
To safe guard the interests of the Central Govt. Pensioners and Pensioners of Public Sector Units like BARC/BSNL/MTNL/Prasar Bharati / FTTI/AAI/IITM etc. Their dependents and also undertake educational, social cultural and economical services and such other matters.
b) Objects
1) To issue of Pensioners Progress Bulletin for circulation amongst the members of the Association as such literature as will keep them informed of its work and progress and Government orders related to Pensioners and other activities of interest of the Pensioners.
2) To co-operate with other Associations of Central/State Government Pensioners, having similar Aims.
3) To raise funds by subscriptions and donations from its members and others only for specific purpose.
4) To convene meeting at different locations from time to time.
5) To promote Pensioners interest of the members.
6) The Association shall function as a non-political and non religious Public Body and shall carry on its work within the frame work of Constitution,
7) The Association may co-operate with any other organization like AICCPA and Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj.
4) Movable and Immovable Properties
All the income, earnings, movable-immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of it’s aims and objects only as set-forth with in this Constitution of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends – bonus, profit or mortgage in any manner what so ever to the present / past members of the Association. No members including office bearers of the Association shall have any personal claim on any movable / immovable properties of the Association by virtue of his membership.
5) Headquarters – Location of
The Headquarters of the Association shall be in Pune and located at Block No. 4, 1785 Sadashiv Peth, Phadke Sankul, Near Pune Vidyartrhi Griha, Pune 411030. Maharashtra State
6) Affiliation
The Association shall maintain its entity and identity. However it may extend its co-operation to other organization of pensioners having common aims and objects.
7) Organisational Structure
The Association will consists of
a) All India Conference
b) Central Working Committee
c) Branch Association
d) Head Quarter at Pune
8) All India Conference
Each Branch will send two delegates upto 250 membership out of which one will be Branch Secretary (or any other Office Bearers of the Branch), additional delegate for every 250 or part thereof valid membership.
9) Delegation / Conference Fee
Since the concept of delegation system is there, the quantum of delegation fee shall be decided every time depending upon the Venue of the All India Conference in consultation with host Branch, and the financial viability.
10) Accounting Year
The year of Accounts shall be from first April, to the end of March of succeeding year.
11) Membership
There will be two categories of members
1) Honorary, 2) Life
12) Eligibility of Life Membership :
Any retired Central Government official including family pensioners and retired employees of Public Sector Units (PSUs) like Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Film and Television Institute, Prasar Bharati, AAI, IITM etc. will be eligible to become member of the Association.
13) Honorary
Non Pensioners who have sympathy with aims and objects of this Association and whose help and guidance is considered helpful to the Pensioners, will be treated as Honorary Members of this Association.
14) Rates of Subscription
Honorary Members – No Subscription
Life Members : Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only)
Officials retiring within a year can become associate member by paying Rs. 300/- initially and remaining balance after paying additional Rs. 200/- after retirement and become a regular members. (This rates are applicable w.e.f. 18.10.2016 approved in All India Conference held on 11.11.2017
15) Conversion of Membership
a) Any Pensioner unable to contact any particular branch, will be enrolled by HQ – other Branches and then transferred to the nearest Branch.
b) Life Member is a member of this Association viz. AICGPA and not of a particular branch. Therefore if a life member has to shift his residence by one reason or the other in such cases member on transfer should obtain the membership certificate from parent branch and make over to new branch. The new branch will enroll him as a member without charging membership fee as he is a life member.
16) Donations
Donations shall be accepted from members of the Association and from others wherever possible or necessary and for specific purpose for carrying out or to intensify the aims / interest of the Association.
17) Duties & Responsibilities
a) All India Conference
It shall be the supreme deciding body. It shall meet at least once in two years. It shall adopt
i) Report prepared by General Secretary regarding activities of the Association and progress of work done in that period duly approved by the Central Working Committee.
ii) Annual Statements of Accounts prepared by Treasurer and duly audited by Govt. approved Auditor and approved by Central Working Committee.
iii) Budget for Receipt and Expenditure for next term prepared by Treasurer and approved in Central Working Committee.
iv) It shall elect office bearers for the next tenure.
v) To take decision on matters it may think essential.
vi) Discuss any item not included in Agenda, with permission of the Chair.
18) Central Working Committee
It will consists of
President : One Treasurer : One
Vice President : Two Asst. Treasurer : Two
Gen. Secretary : One Org. Secretary : Ten
Asst. Gen. Secretary : Three (Technical Advisor – one at Head Quarters and Numbers of Org.Secretarys will be decided as per need of the hour)
Other CWC Members – All Branch Secretaries are ex-officio members of the CWC, one additional member for more than 999 and one more member of every 1,000 members
Internal Auditor for the purpose of TADA, he is an office bearer.
19) Duties of the CWC
It shall function as a main wheel giving impetus to the activities of the Association. It shall meet once in a year.
i) It will do its best to implement resolution adopted by the All India Conference and act accordingly to direction given by it.
ii) It will control over monetary dealings of the the Association and see that the bi-yearly Annual Report of the activities of the Association – Audited Accounts / Budget are duly submitted to the All India Conference.
iii) It will also see that the contents of the PP Bulletin (Editorial / all communication) issued by the Association are interesting and generally conductive towards Aims and Objects of the Association.
iv) Under emergency, when critical situation warrants the whole executive body of the branch resigns, the General Secretary of the H.Q. may appoint an adhoc body / or a person who will look after the working of the branch and call a general body which will regularize the working of the branch.
20) President
He will carry general supervision over the work of the Association. He will advise the Central Working Committee for co-opting of a member in vacant post, till next AIC. He will preside over the meetings of the CWC and AIC / AGM of the Association.
21) Vice President
He shall assist the President in his work, preside over the meetings of the Association whenever President is not available / Present.
When the President and Vice President are not available or both of them are not present due to unforeseen circumstances in the meeting of the Association, the representatives shall elect the President for that particular meeting only.
22) General Secretary
i) He shall be Chief Executive of the Association and be in-charge of Office of the Association.
ii) He shall look after the general work of the Association and / dispose of correspondence with the help of Asst. Genl. Secretaries.
iii) He shall distribute office work in his Assistants and Supervise there work.
iv) He shall call the due / extra ordinary / meetings of the CWC’s whenever necessary. Issue Notice of the All India Conference / extra ordinary general Meetings.
v) He shall prepare Report of the activities of the Association including work of Organinsing Secretary and submit it to CWC further in AIC.
vi) He shall attend the Annual General Meetings of the branches wherever possible.
vii) He shall direct the other office bearers for attending Annual General Meetings of branches whenever required.
23) Asst. General Secretary
He shall help the General Secretary in his work as per his directions. He will record minutes of the Associations Meeting. He shall assist in preparing material for PP Bulletin / Maintain Records / Files / Library (Magazines, Books) etc. He will work under guidance of the General Secretary in Team manner. He shall maintain the register of Assets. He will assist in maintaining Register of subscription of PP Bulletin and its posting
24) Treasurer
Treasurer shall be responsible for receipt and payment.
He shall receive all funds coming to the Association. He shall maintain daily cash book, prepare monthly / Annual Statements of Accounts. He shall get accounts / vouchers checked by the Internal Auditor periodically. He will follow the directions given by him. He shall get all the accounts / statements audited by the Govt. Approved Auditor and submit the same along with Auditors’ Report to the Central Working Committee for approval and present in All India Conference. He will prepare budget for next term and submit it to CWC and further to AIC and obtain its approval. He shall keep stock of Blank Receipt Books and maintain its register. He shall make the payments with the approval of the General Secretary. He shall not ordinarily retain cash over Rs. 5,000/- He shall deposit surplus cash in the Bank Accounts opened in the Nationalised / Co-op. Scheduled Bank. All the work got done with the assistance of Asst. Treasurer.
25) Assistant Treasurer (Two)
He shall work under directions / guidance of the Treasurer. He will render his assistance in performance of his duties. He will maintain a Membership Register which is his prime responsibilities. Assist in Register of subscription of PP Bulletin and its posting.
26) Organising Secretary
He will take up the work of connecting organization and endeavour to increase membership, strength of the Association. He will keep liaison with Branch Associations / members. He will make efforts to open new branches. He will take directions / guidance from General Secretary, President / Vice-President for organization work and submit report to the General Secretary in matters attended which find a place in his report.
27) Internal Auditor
He shall carry out detailed Audit of Accounts of the Association at convinent intervals and put up Report to the General Secretary through Treasurer well in advance for the next due All India Conference.
28) Government Approved Auditor
He will complete the audit work well in advance of the date of the next due All India Conference Meeting and make his Report, showing the outcome of the audit work and make available to the General Secretary in the forms prescribed by the Charity Commissioner Office, Pune.
29) Tenure of the C.W.C. and Office Bearers
All Office Bearers and members of the Central Working Committee shall continue to hold their respective posts till next All India Conference of the Association. In case any post of Office bearer or of a member of the C.W.C. falls vacant, the Central Working Committee may co-opt such vcant post till next All India Conference.
30) Meetings and Quorum
A) All India Conference
All India Conference shall be held not later than 30th September of the following year, the accounts of which had been closed. Notice of the Annual Meeting will be issued with actual margin of not less than one month and with time margin of 14 days for the receipient members of the date fixed for the Annual Meeting Presence of 50 members will form quorum for the A.I.C. / Genera Body Meeting.
B) Extra Ordinary All India Conference Meeting
It may be convened by the C.W.C. if it thinks that such a meeting is necessary or by the General Secretary if a requisition for holding Extra Ordinary All India Conference is made in writing by members of the Association, numbering not less than 500 and 50% of Branches. Notice of such meeting be issued with a time margin of 21 days and with time margin of 10 days at the disposal of the receipent members. Presence of 40 (forth only) members will form quorum. In absence of quorum meeting will be adjourned and it will be held after 15 minutes.
C) Meeting of the Central Working Committee
It shall meet as often as may be necessary but once in Calendar Year. Notice of the meeting with Agenda shall be issued with a time margin of 20 days at the disposal of the recipient members. Special Meeting of the C.W.C. will be called with issue of Notice with time margin of 10 days at the disposal of the recipient members. Presence of 10 Branches will form quorum.
D) Waiving Condition of Quorum
Notices issued for calling meetings of the A.IC. and C.W.C. extraordinary may contain specific mention of removing condition of presence of members to form necessary quorum. Such a Notice will clarify as to when and where the adjourned meeting will be continued.
31) Election of Office Bearers
Adoption of Resolution and election of Office Bearers shall be given in notice of AIC Meeting along with notice. Election will be by voice vote or by show of hands. Voting by ballot may be allowed by the President of the meeting, if a requisition to that effect is made by any member present in that meeting. If a tie arises the President may cast his vote. His decision will be final.
32) Custody of Funds
Surplus cash forming part of the property of the Association shall be deposited, in a Bank account, which should be operated by President, General Secretary, Treasurer (either two) jointly and transactions should be done by cheque only wherever possible Treasurer will keep imprest of Rs. 5000/-
33) Expenditure of Travelling for Meetings and Organisational Matters
Actual expenses for Travelling incurred by Office bearers and members of the C.W.C. of the Association for attending meetings of the Association shall be paid with due reference to the Budget provisions. Actual expenses for travelling shall also be paid to the Organising Secretary for propaganda and organizational purposes within the budget limis in the same way by the General Secretary.
34) Reserve Funds of The Association
The Association has already got Silver Jubilee Fund to render Assistance to needy members as per direction on the subject. So as to maintain Building, Prosecution or Defence of any Legal Proceedings arising out of legitmate activity, to meet unexpected expenses; it is dire need to keep reserve fund. Therefore, 1% of total income shall be deposited as reserve fund, so also 1% amount received from Branches. This amount may not be withdrawn without prior permission of CWC / AIC the permission may be taken to utilize the amount from the Reserve Fund.
35) Working of The Branch Association
Working Committee – The Branch shall have its Committee consists of President / Secretary / Treasurer and members as per its strength / requirement. They should try to include the members from Central Govt. as well as PSUS as described in Para 12.
A local auditor will be nominated by General Body who will not be a member of its committee. The term of the Office bearers will be decided by Branch itself.
36) Annual General Meeting
Each Branch will hold its Annual General Meeting every year before (well in advance) of All India Conference and elect delegates for All India Conference as mentioned in clause 8. Atleast 15 days clear Notice should be given. Intimation of AGM may be given to Head Quarters well in advance so as General Secretary may attend for the AGM. Quorum will be 1/3rd of membership. However, after half an hour, meeting can be conducted without quorum. Election of Office bearers / CWC etc. will be done in the AGM as per its convenience / regular practice. Each Branch will operate an Account in Nationalised Bank / Co-op. Scheduled Bank and account will be operated by President – Secretary-Treasurer (Either tow). Branch will intimate well in advance to the Head Quarters the list of Office bearers.
37) Duties of Branch Secretary
The Secretary of the Branch Association will be responsible for collection of subscription and donations from members of his Branch and maintenance of Accounts of collection with the help of Treasurer. He may meet necessary expenses of his branch from time to time. He will send to HQ. Statements of Accounts periodically atleast by quarter alongwith Quota 40% of subscription and 5% of Donation. The Accounts Statement will show details of Balances held by the Branch. Branch Secretary shall not retain Cash on hand more than Rs. 500/- ordinarily. Surplus cash shall be credited in Accounts opened in Banks on behalf of Branch.
38) Ultimate Right Over The Whole Balance Held By The Branch Association
In the statement of account, the whole closing balance, remaining with the Branch Associations will be shown by it inclusive of its investments. Such balance will be brought forward by the Branch Association from month to month, which ultimately will be the property of this Association in general in case the Branch Association becomes defunct or is closed down.
39) Use Of Receipt Books Supplied By The HQ
Branch Associations shall use only the Receipt Books supplied to it by the HQ Pune for any collection made by it as subscriptions and donations. The purpose and of disposal of such collection will be intimated by the Branch Associations to the HQ Pune. Such collections will be classified by the Branch Association separately in its monthly statement of accounts. In the receipt issued for such collections the specific purpose for which special donation is collected will be noted for information of the Donor. The Branch Association will have to give generally prior intimation to the HQ Pune, of its move for such Extra Collection to be made for its own purpose. 5% of such donations shall be sent to H.Q. The Branch Association shall collect also donations for specific purposes for the HQ, Pune if duly requested for.
40) Delivery of Bulletin To Members / Forwarding of Communication
Branch Secretary will arrange distribution of copies of Pensioners’ Progress Bulletin sent to him by the HQ Pune to members of his branch. He will forward to the HQ Pune any communication concerning the affairs of the Association, if presented by any members of his Branch.
41) Meetings and Resolutions
The Branch Secretary will send a report of AGM held by the Branch to the HQ Pune and forward two copies of the Resolutions adopted in the meetings.
a) The rules and regulations followed by H.Q. should be followed by branches.
42) Register of Members
The Branch Secretary will maintain a Register of members of his Branch showing :
i) Name and full address and Phone No. of the member.
ii) Serial Number of the Membership assigned by the HQ. Pune.
iii) Amount of subscription and donations received from the members, classified separately and Serial No. of Receipt with date given to the member for such amount.
iv) The reason of which the membership is ceased in case the entry is deleted.
v) The Register should show the actual current membership strength of the Branch Association by the end of each financial year. (i.e. 31st March). These figures should be intimated to HQ. Pune.
43) Membership
The Member eligible as per para 12 above, seeking admission as a member of the Association to fill in and sign the prescribed form of Application for Membership available with the Branch Secretary and pay necessary subscription along with it. Application shall be preserved by the branch.
44) Discipline
The Central Working Committee will have authority to refuse admission as a member of this Association to any applying Central Government Pensioner and Family Pension Holder / Retd. PSU Employee.
45) Discontinuance (Expell) of Membership / Breach of Discipline
The Central Working Committee will have authority to discontinue the membership of any member of this Association if the member is found behaving against interest of the Association.
46) Amendments To The Constitution Authority Vested To All India Conference
Amendments to these Rules and Regulations can be made only after adoption of them by the All India Conference Members present to that meeting.
“Proposed Amendments will be notified two months in advance to All Branch Secretaries along with the Notice of the Meeting of All India Conference. The text of the amendments proposed will form part of Agenda of that Meeting”.
47) Provisions to the effect that in the event of dissolution the surplus assets / funds of the Institutions as would remain after discharging all liabilities, shall be transferred to any other Public Charitable Institution having similar objects and also registered U / s 12A of the I.T. Act, 1961 and the same shall not under any circumstances be distributed among the members.
48) Provision to the effect that the Trust is irrevocable.
49) Date of Effect of The Revised Rules & Regulations
The previous Rules and Regulations were brought into effect from 24.6.1981. Further Rules and Regulations revised have been corrected upto the end of 14.12.1986. Further Rules and Regulations of delegate system were brought into effect from 1st January, 2001. The proposed revision in Rules of Change of Address / Eligibility of Membership / CWC Membership will come effect from 26.10.2005. Rules No. 51 to 56 Regarding Representatives work have been deleted as no longer required, so also Rule 9, 13, 14, 27, 35-37, 44 to 45. The previous Rules and Regulations stand modified. Rule No. 11 to 14 modified on account of deletion of patron membership and the rates of subscription as adopted in the AIC held on 11.11.2017.
50) Dissolution of The Association
Dissolution of the Association shall be in accordance with the provisions contained in the Section Nos, 5, 13 and 14 of Societies Registration Act, 1860 of the Government of Maharashtra.
(W.S. Bhome) (H. F. Chaudhari)
President General Secretary